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Date Posted: 2006-01-12 10:02:15.
Subject: What aircraft would you trust with your life?
Name: trigun5
Message: Yeah it was actually an israeli jet that did it. That is pretty amazing. I work on 15's and sometimes I even have doubts about how they fly. But most of the time it comes down to who the operator is.

Tony Rogue aka trigun5

Tony Rogue aka trigun5
Date Posted: 2005-12-13 09:42:29.
Subject: C&C aurora bomber, what is it?
Message: Apperently there is alot of information about from the last 20 to 25 years, But I know that everything you read isn't neccessarily true. So I don't think there is any real way of telling whether or not this aircraft is for real or not.

Tony Rogue aka trigun5

Tony Rogue aka trigun5
Date Posted: 2005-12-12 06:06:32.
Subject: F/A22 or X35? Which is better
Message: In my opinion, The reason the US won't sell the Raptor aka the Craptor is because it is a shitty plane

Tony Rogue aka trigun5

Tony Rogue aka trigun5
Date Posted: 2005-12-12 06:04:56.
Subject: C&C aurora bomber, what is it?
Message: From my knowledge and watching Discovery Wings channel, the Aurora bomber is a hypothetical experimental bomber that never made it out of the blackboard stage. That is all I know about it.

Tony Rogue aka trigun5

Tony Rogue aka trigun5
Date Posted: 2005-11-01 06:10:20.
Subject: Modern Delta wing fighters.
Message: Yes the rafale and the eurofighters are both delta wings.

Tony Rogue aka trigun5

Tony Rogue aka trigun5
Date Posted: 2005-10-26 10:12:34.
Subject: F15vF16vF14vF18
Message: All of that has some truth to it. but I am in the USAF and I have been on TDY's to Luke AFB in Arizona where they have 9 squadrons of f16s. Now I went there twice last year and both times, our pilots side they kicked the crap out of the 16 pilots. Also, in one mock engagement between a squad of 16 against a squad of 15s, The 16 starting winning because they were using the AWACS for Radar. Now, ( and this is just more operational wisdom I guess you could say) the 15s started taking out the awacs on all of the engagements and after that it was know contest. The 15s superior radar to 16 was able to let the 15s shoot all of the 16 out of the sky (not literally).

Tony Rogue aka trigun5

Tony Rogue aka trigun5
Date Posted: 2005-10-19 19:41:14.
Subject: F15vF16vF14vF18
Message: Just because I like everyone's comments on AC. why?

Tony Rogue aka trigun5

Tony Rogue aka trigun5
Date Posted: 2005-10-17 10:06:31.
Subject: Modern Delta wing fighters.
Message: With the exception of the eurofighter and the mirage 2000, what other modern delta wing fighters are in service today, Just curious.

Tony Rogue aka trigun5

Tony Rogue aka trigun5
Date Posted: 2005-10-17 10:03:42.
Subject: F15vF16vF14vF18
Message: Everyone know the line from the movie 'Independence Day' and I quote, 'you really don't think they spent $500,000 on a toilet seat and $400,000 on a hammer do you?' Yeah just keep that in mind

Tony Rogue aka trigun5

Tony Rogue aka trigun5
Date Posted: 2005-10-17 10:00:21.
Subject: F/A-22A vs Su-47
Message: I'm guessing you are talking about the S-37 Berkut. No contest needed. Berkut all the way. Personally I think that the Su-37 can take out the 22 but that's me

Tony Rogue aka trigun5

Tony Rogue aka trigun5

32 post found

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