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Date Posted: 2007-04-04 09:20:21.
Subject: whats your Fav. Fighter and Bomber?
Name: zeetoboy
Message: lol, mine is definitely the F-15 E Strike Eagle, lol, cant find a better plane dudes.

I mean come on! the Strike Eagle rocks.

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Date Posted: 2007-04-04 09:18:06.
Subject: Orbital Strike Satelites
Name: zeetoboy
Message: OK, if you have played Ace Combat 5, the Unsung War, than you know the Arkbird, yeah, in the beginning of the game that huge satelite thing, that gets a gun and blows a hole in a super sub so u can rip it to shreds. cool.

what my question is.....does anybody think that NASA will develop a war satelite? We allready have spy sattelites, why not war ones, may be useful in WW3 or something. like one that can zap things with precision from space, of course theres the fact of space junk and China's anti-sattelite missiles. but this is a thought to ponder. really, it is.

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Date Posted: 2007-04-04 09:11:33.
Subject: replacment for F-15
Name: zeetoboy
Message: I agree with trigun.
the Eagles have a Zero losses record, that shows that the Eagles kick butt. so it will be a while before the USAF fases them out even after the F-22 comes out.

this is a one sided argument as the planes that are replacing old ones are not really pushing the old ones out of the way. at least not yet, and in a period of war. i believe that all of the original planes will be brought back, as we may need all the firepower and cannon fodder we can get.
No offense to anyone.
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Date Posted: 2007-04-04 08:59:56.
Subject: f 15 vs su 37
Name: zeetoboy
Message: Obviously you have forgotten that Russia is a member of the UN, anyway.....

the Eagle may be dominated yes, as much as it pains me to say it, but i did, the SU 37 may be better but the machine is only as good as their pilots. if we stuck a bunch of three year olds in the cockpit of, say the Raptor, and the russians had their worst planes with the best pilots, and the kids got off the ground (amazing!!!!)
who would win...
russia, duh,

so if we have better pilots, than the Eagles 0 losses record will be safe

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Date Posted: 2007-04-04 08:56:22.
Subject: F-14 Or F/A-18
Name: zeetoboy
Message: ah, alas, in my stupor, i sorgot which planes we were discussing, my apologies. in this argument, the Hornet beats the Tomcat, the Tomcat being the more Klunky of the three. sorry again, hope you arent mad at me....sorry...

these two navy aircraft are the two most used. but they have hundreds of diferences, to make it short... the Tomcat is worse than the Hornet.....

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Date Posted: 2007-04-03 09:20:08.
Subject: F-14 Or F/A-18
Name: zeetoboy
Message: OH GOD! you are actually asking people that? let me put it this way, the F-16 only has one engine, which makes it a little slower than the F/A-18, however, more manuverable. but they both have two pylons on each wingtip, the hornet has more tail fins, which makes it more stabile but in personal experience, really too clunky to be a fighter, and it is a fighter attacker, in my opinion, the Hornet is just a beefed up version of the Fighting Falcon. and as we all know, the book(original version) is almot allways better than the movie (later version) althought the Hornet may look better than the Fighting Falcon, the falcon, hands down, would defeat the hornet. they both have generally the same arnament capacity, so we cant compare that way, the Falcon is obviously better than the clunky Hornet
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Date Posted: 2007-03-20 09:20:11.
Subject: F/A22 or X35? Which is better
Name: zeetoboy
Message: yeah, there is no way that the f-35 could outfly the 22. there is a reason that the USAF chose the 22 over the 35. they dont just pick planes cuz they look cool, duh

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